Love Song along Danube Festival Regulation 2017 Edition

The 11th Edition, Braila, Romania, July 18- 20, 2017

The registration in the contest:
The winners of the previous editions (the winner of the trophy’s, first prize, second prize and third prize) cannot participate in the contest. Also, in the case that one contestant already participated in two editions of the festival, a third participation is not possible.The winner of the trophy in the previous edition will be presented for performing a micro recital, at the organizers request (case in which the organizers will cover the expenses for transportation, accommodation and meals).

The registration in the contest is made on the basis of a registration form (according to annex). The record will be sent together with a CD or attached to an e-mail containing the repertory for the contest. All of these will be sent to the address of The County Center for Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture, nr. 2 Piata Traian (Traian Square), postal code 810153, phone no/ fax +40239.614.710 Braila, Romania until the 30th of June 2017. The songs in mp3 format and the documents required for the registration in the contest may be also sent to the e-mail address:

Each contestant will present 2 songs, different as structure (tempo, tune, rhythm, and feature); the first song, without accompaniment, and the second one with musical accompaniment, representing the ethno folklore area from which the contestant comes.
The songs will correspond, through their content, to the message transmitted by the festival’s title – the love song.

The contestants will wear the costume specific to the area or ethnic group they belong to.
The pre-selection for the Romanian and the foreign contestants will be done on the basis of the audio material sent – CD-mp3 or e-mail, on the 3rd of July 2017. The decisions will be made by the contest jury.
For registration in the contest, each candidate will present/send up to the pre-selection date:
– Copy of the identity card;
– The registration form filled in;
– 2 digital colour artistic photos;
– Copy of the scholar/ student card, where appropriate, in order to benefit from the existing tax opportunities (only for the foreign contestants).
The contestants admitted in the contest will be notified and they have the obligation to send to the organizers the scores of the songs until the 7th of July 2017.

Love_Song_along_Danube Festival Regulation 2017 Edition

Folklore festival -2016 – List of selected competitors after the preselection

International folklore festival
¨Love song along the Danube¨
X’ th edition , Brăila, Romania, 26-28 july 2016

List of selected competitors after the preselection:

       Romanian competitors:

  1. Bărbat Denisa Ioana-zona Secașelor
  2. Bordeianu Silvia Mihaela-zona Moldova
  3. Bugnar Lacatîș Ionela Cristina-zona Valea Bârgăului
  4. Cozma Ancuța Maria-zona de câmpie a Mureșului
  5. Furic Adriana Iozefina (Furikova)-zona Bihor-Sălaj
  6. Ghelase Nicoleta-zona Brăila
  7. Herăscu Constantin Cosmin–zona Oltenia
  8. Iancu Dan Alexandru –zona Oltenia
  9. Ionescu Alina-zona Muntenia
  10. Iordache Iuliana Andrada-zona Muntenia
  11. Lutu Florica (Florentina)-zona Argeș
  12. Marica Aurora Mihaela – zona Oltenia-Dolj
  13. Măgureanu Răzvan Florentin–zona Oltenia
  14. Mărgineanu George-zona Argeș
  15. Mocăniță Laura-zona Dobrogea
  16. Popescu Anișoara-zona Romanați Olt
  17. Prisacă Laura Florina-zona Valea Avrigului
  18. Radu Raluca-zona Podișul Central Moldovenesc
  19. Rolnic Denisa Minodora-Valea Barcăului
  20. Stănilă Cristina Andreea-zona Ținutul Pădurenilor Hunedoara
  21. Stroie Dan Dumitru-zona Mărginimea Sibiului
  22. Ursachi Liliana Iustina-zona Bucovinei
  23. Uță (Prună) Larisa Vasilica-zona Țara Chioarului Maramureș
  24. Vladu Gelica Gabriela- zona Romanați Olt

     Foreign competitor străini:

  1. Dimova Aliona-Ukraina
  2. Petar Kirilov-Bulgaria
  3. Zaloj Ion-Ukraina
  4. Dunav Group – Serbia
  5. Popov Violeta – Moldovia
  6. Vuicu Marcela  – Moldovia


International folklore festival: pre-selection

The registration in the contest is made  on the basis of a record (according to annex). The record will be sent together with a CD containing the repertory for the contest or attached to an e-mail. All of these will be sent to the address of The County Center for Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture, nr. 2 Piata Traian (Traian Square), postal code 810153, phone no/ fax +40239.614.710 Braila, Romania until the 3rd  of July 2016. The songs in mp3 format and the documents required for the registration in the contest may be also sent to the e-mail address:

Each contestant will present 2 songs, different as structure (tempo, tune, rhythm, and feature); the first song, without accompaniment, and the second one with musical accompaniment, representing the ethno folkloric area from which the contestant comes.

The songs will correspond, through their content, to the message transmitted by the festival’s title – the love song.

After the pre-selection only 30 contestants will be admitted and will take part in the competition.

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