2016 Edition
Trophy | Grup Dunav | Serbia |
First prize | Cosmin Constantin Herăscu | Romania |
Second prize | Iuliana Andrada Iordache | Romania |
Third prize | Raluca Radu | Romania |
Prize for the authenticity of popular costumm | Ioana Denisa Bărbat | Romania |
Popularity prize | Nicoleta Ghelase | Romania |
2015 Edition
First prize | Grup Nusha | Bulgaria |
Second prize | Ionut Cocos | Romania |
Third prize | Simona Alexandru | Romania |
First mention | Iryna Shcherbyna | Ucraina |
Second mention | Anna Zornjan | Serbia |
Third mention | Daniel Catalin Turica | Romania |
Prize for the authenticity of popular costum | Gabriel Gorjan | Romania |
2014 Edition
First prize-Tudor Furdui Iancu
Second prize-Milica si Dragana Videnovic-Serbia
Third prize-Irina Maria Birou